Black barbie doll ni actually dapat naikkan semangat dark skin or African mixed girls so that diorang lebih menghargai diri and kecantikan sendiri.
Our girls really need this kind of stuffs, this is because this type of toys dpt encourage them to appreciate their own self.
Twins time kecik² dulu just main barbie fair skin long & straight hair. Bila meningkat usia awal remaja, they always rasa down and nakkan fair skin and rambut panjang and lurus mcm Barbie diorang. But since they knew that ada Barbie with afro curly coily and kinky hair macam ni, even dh tua bangka still beriya suruh beli sebab kata diorang dark skin barbie ni rare unik and special.
There you go!!!
Mummy pun cakap la, that is how 'world' looking at you. As unik and beautiful as this black barbie dolls 😊
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