Monday, October 25, 2010

Black man + Asian woman Interracial Relationships: Breaking down kinda judgments

How good, to escape the right and wrong, good and bad. Black and white which brings me to my point :-

During the conversation, the topic of interracial relationships arose.

Perceptions and thoughts on the subject became clear.

She's judgmental!!!!

During their conversation, one commented, simply:

“Why do you care what choices those other people are making?

I see many of asians entering into wonderful, loving relationships with black men. I see happiness and strength, and when I see a couple that I would generally stereotype cuddling on the public trains or holding hands through the roadsides, I really have to check myself.

Why spend time passing judgment on things I don’t even try to understand?

Why do I continuing to do this?

I’ve got it.
The reality is that's individual jealousies. And the problem exists in their own head, not the interracial union.

Which is surely upsetting the other party, even though she can’t understand all the complexities of others, she should have to accept them.

And even better, they can ask in my God-given joy of delving deep and understanding their own complexities.

There’s no place for judgement in self discovery.

So I’m kicking all those judgmental thoughts to the curb.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mummy's Treat at Pizza Hut =')

Masa Mummy pick Twins dari sekolah something happen.
Sampai aje adik menangis tersedu-sedu.
One of her school-mate (boy) kicked her on her leg.
Pity her,
Tabahlah adik.
Mummy tak boleh selalu ada disisi adik.
Ada masanya adik perlu lindungi diri adik sendiri.
Mummy belanja PiZzA lah!!!!! 
Some sweet moment to share!!! 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Twindy Love 8th Birthday

Allahu kesiannya anak auk.
Hari ni birthday diorang,
Tp pagi td sblm gi sekolah adik kena marah.

Bodohnya akin tak dpt kawal marah pagi td,
tak pernah Mummy marah dia mcm tu.
Tambahan lagi awal pagi sgt & on her besday
 ..aku memang betul² mak yang teruk...
I'm a bad mother.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.
Maafkan aku.
Maafkan aku..

Kau berikanlah ketenangan jiwa kpd ankku
 agar mereka dpt segala ilmu yang dipelajarinya
hari ini...
Rahmatilah anak2ku dgn hidayahMu dan
 panduilah hidup mereka ya tuhan

Maafkan mummy anak...

Happy 8th Birthday sayang,'re 8 years old now!
I'm so sorry kadang2 Mummy loose control.
Mummy marah² jerit²
Mummy memang mak yg teruk...

Ya Allah,berkatilah hidup anak²ku ini.
Sihatkan tubuh badan mereka.
Panduilah mereka agar mereka sentiasa berada di landasan yang benar
Agar bijak membezakan antara baik dan Burk
Selamatkan mereka dari fitnah dunia.
Jauhkan mereka dari keburukan.
Peliharailah mereka sentiasa ketika aku tidak bersama mereka.
Permudahkan dan terangkan hati mereka dengan ilmu yang bermanafaat,
Murahkan rezeki mereka dan mudahkan semua urusan berkaitan masa hadapan mereka.

Amin ya Allah....


Kadang kala, Berdiam diri itu penting demi untuk menjaga hati dan perasaan sendiri. Jika seseorang sudah menyakiti dengan sikap dan patah ka...