Friday, February 8, 2019

Afro Asian 2019 Moms & Kids Gathering.


Our 3rd February gathering went well.
Thank you Shahida Davis and family for the great hospitality.

Thanks all for participations.
We will always looking forward for many more event like this in the future.

Their smile is my healer.
My lovely children

I have been waited for so long for this kind of event/program.

Our children really need this kind of exposure untuk membuatkan mereka lebih kuat to deal with all related issue dalam kehidupan seharian specially things that related to the their mental health such as racism and inferiority complex etc.

Part of our local community, they're lack in sensitivity, semua ambik ringan. For them semua benda kecik punya hal. But for whom that effected, ianya perkara yang as worst as able to attack their mental condition until that could be the causes of mental depression.


Kadang kala, Berdiam diri itu penting demi untuk menjaga hati dan perasaan sendiri. Jika seseorang sudah menyakiti dengan sikap dan patah ka...