Monday, April 1, 2019

12 Years A Slaves - Black History Is More Than The Slavery

Watching "twelve years a slaves" on unifi playbox® together with my 17 years old girls.

Since this film is classified as 18 years and above, they certainly need serious explanations.

My daughter and I - we like to chat about all issues, we almost have no secret, and tonight we talk about black descent slavery and history.

There was anger, hatred and dissatisfactions within themselves.

Its ain't selective biased, but more likely a sharing of the "knowledge of history" and by getting some of it may change how we view racism and children nowadays were better at identifying historically true events (in this case, this film is kind of the imagery they can ever imagine/refer to)

To give kids a fighting chance of living in a more equitable society, we need to broaden what is considered important to impart to our children so that the view reflected in the racially-biased policing, violent hate crimes and the absurd resistance to permanently bringing down racism which might plays out beyond their daily life. It’s time to stop propagating the myth of who ever as the only true and dominant one of our past and present, black history is bigger than slavery.

This is such a great masterpiece, it was not only moving, it was also inspirational.

❤No one knows what life may bring
❤We’re very lucky and blessed
❤There are still good people out there
❤Hope will keep us alive and moving forward

There's still many more to talk to make them understand as my goal was to increase the sense of black pride and spirit within themselves at a time when not too many took notice of the black community in Malaysia (and the world) except to dwell upon the negatives.

I want them to be proud of the African descent in them and fight for their right as an Asian as well, unique and authentic blasian blend ✌😊

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Kadang kala, Berdiam diri itu penting demi untuk menjaga hati dan perasaan sendiri. Jika seseorang sudah menyakiti dengan sikap dan patah ka...